Made in 48 hours for the 2023 GMTK Game Jam by Branden Bohrnsen, Audrey Kim, Sean Son, and Van Tran of ACM Studio at UCLA. 

This game flips the roles of the typical farming simulator! You play as an angry planet – one home to predominantly cats – seeking retribution on an evil farmer who has decided to exploit your natural resources. 

You play by choosing and dropping cards on the farm, aiming to wipe out all crops within the allotted time. Some cards seek out crops, some attack specific columns or rows, and all have differing cooldown times and efficacy rates. Work smart, though, since the farmer can replant crops and defend against your cards.

Controls: press LMB once to pick up card, and again to drop it. Make sure the square is green – indicating a valid square – or you'll lose the card!

We were inspired mainly by Stardew Valley and Plants vs. Zombies. All art, music, and code is our own, made within these 48 hours, and you can find detailed credits here:

Branden Bohrnsen - programming

Audrey Kim - art + writing

Sean Son - music and sound design

Van Tran - UX/UI design + writing


- thief: will chase nearest crops, stays for 10 seconds

- mercenary: will chase nearest crop, kill it immediately, and disappear

- wise cat: distracts farmer no matter what other moves have been played

- bugs: moves down the selected column, takes 5 seconds to erase a crop

- corrosion: will spread to a 3x3 poison after 10 seconds

- fire: wipes out entire row

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